ESA offers a full range of ecologically based environmental services to the public and private sectors in the mid-Atlantic region.


Design and Implementation

Stream Restoration & Wetland Restoration

Stormwater Management Retrofit

Shoreline Stablization

Landscape Architecture

Federal, State and Local Permitting

Construction Management

Invasive Species Management


Watershed Studies and Master Plans

NPDES & MS4 Permit Compliance

TMDL Credit Determination

Wetland Delineation

Forest Conservation

Natural Resources Inventory

Wildlife Studies

Critical Area Compliance

NEPA Documents

Assessment and Monitoring

Fluvial Geomorphology & Functional Uplift

Tidal & Non-tidal Water Quality

Fisheries & Macroinvertebrates

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Surveys

Wetland & Forest Performance Monitoring

Sediment & Erosion Control

Independent Environmental Monitor (IEM)

Rare, Threatened & Endangered Species Surveys

Unmanned Aerial (Drone) Services