2017 Stream Restoration BUBBA Award!
ESA is excited to announce winning a 2017 Best Stream Restoration BUBBA Award! The BUBBA (Best Urban BMP in the Bay Area) awards are given to recipients who are using new and innovative techniques for facing the challenges of stormwater management and to whom disseminated these techniques to other communities who could benefit from the lessons learned and innovative approaches.
Annapolis Harbour Center Post-Restoration
This award was for our Annapolis Harbour Center Stream and Wetland Restoration Project. This project, located in Annapolis, MD, focused on restoring 1,500 linear feet of stream and improving its aquatic and upland habitat function. The project re-connected the stream to its floodplain and created multiple wetland and stream habitat zones while treating stormwater runoff from a 77-acre area with 70% impervious cover. ESA was excited to join the student and community volunteers who helped clean up the site and who planted close to 5,000 native plants throughout the project area. Our team partnered with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center to scientifically monitor changes in water quality and will continue to do so.
We were excited to join South River Federation in their endeavor to restore the site as well as team with Meadville Land Service and Lerner Enterprises. Our team is excited to have won this award and more importantly, to be a part of another successful restoration project within the Chesapeake Bay Area!